Seeking volunteers to help evidence the health and wellbeing impacts of paddlesport

Neil Kinnerly • Jun 16, 2022

Canoe Wales, in partnership with sports analytics company Talent Pathway iD, is looking for volunteers from our membership to help evidence the health and wellbeing impacts of paddlesport.

Perhaps you are a paddler who was frustrated with the lockdown restrictions in 2021? 

Maybe your paddling has been restricted by waterway or paddle-point closures?

Possibly you are a regular paddler who would be really interested to know how your health and wellbeing is affected by paddling (and other physical exercise) over time?

If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, we would love you to help create the evidence that will help us advocate for paddlers rights and access going forward...


What are the aims of the research?

The aim of the research is to generate evidence that demonstrates how paddlesport positively affects people’s health and wellbeing.

Why are we trying to generate this evidence?

Canoe Wales is committed to advocating for improved access to waterways throughout Wales.

We regularly represent members through consultations, dialogue with partners, agencies and local community organisations, and feel that the argument for fair and transparent access would be strengthened by more evidence of the positive impact of paddling on people’s health and wellbeing.

The lack of robust evidence in this area was highlighted during the COVID lockdown of 2021 where we were advocating for fairer restrictions for watersports compared to other land-based activity. Had we had more robust evidence in this area, we could have made a more robust challenge and dialogue with Welsh Government.

Likewise, we need to fight for investment into paddlesport in Wales. Investment can support access and facilities; club grants and funding; engagement projects with underrepresented groups; and help demonstrate to schools and youth groups the positive impacts of paddling for young people. If we can demonstrate to funders the broader impact of paddling on people’s health and wellbeing, it will result in more investment into paddling in Wales which will support us all.

The research is also likely to highlight how health and wellbeing impacts are increased or decreased with how you paddle. For example, if you paddle in a group (rather than alone) perhaps that affects your health or wellbeing. Likewise, if you paddle vigorously (rather than gently) perhaps that also affects your health and wellbeing.

Who would we like to be engaged in this project?

We are looking for regular paddlers. It doesn’t matter if you paddle regularly alone, with friends, with a club or as part of a competitive programme – paddling regularly is enough.

It doesn’t matter what discipline or craft you paddle. It doesn’t matter where you paddle. It doesn’t matter what your reason for paddling is and whether you’re purely competitive or recreational – we just need you to be paddling regularly.

Ok, I’d like to get involved. What does it entail?

Once you’ve signed up to the research, we’ll send you a link to the survey, a login, and a video to explain how it works and answer any questions.

You will be expected to complete a short survey, that will take you less than 5 minutes a week. The research period will run from July through to October 2022. Apart from helping us with the aims of the project, you’ll have the opportunity to win a selection of goodies, and you’ll receive weekly personalised reports that will help steer your health and well-being in a positive direction.

The survey will ask you details about your paddling (and other physical activity) during that week and also to rank your health and wellbeing using World Health Organisation (WHO) questions.

Once you’ve completed the questions, the system will provide you with a scorecard to help you understand how your health and wellbeing (and paddling performance) relates to other paddlers involved in the research as well as identify your personal trends over time.

What happens if I miss a week?

We appreciate people have lots to think about and remember, so people may forget to fill in the survey from time to time. Clearly, the more people forget, the less robust the data and evidence will be, so we will try to support you by sending reminders.

However, some data is better than no data so any support you can provide us with the submission of data is very much appreciated.

It also does not matter if you don’t paddle for a week or so. The key is to keep filling in the survey so we can analyse those weeks against the weeks where you are paddling regularly.

What about GDPR?

Both organisations have detailed GDPR policies which will ensure your data is protected and only held for the basis of the research.

You can see the Canoe Wales Data Protection policy here.

You can see the Talent Pathway ID Data Protection policy here.

How do I sign up?

If you’re interested in being part of the project, please register via the JustGo Paddling Hub.

The closing date for sign-ups is  Friday 8 July at 5pm.


Have any questions?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Canoe Wales via and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

So, there we have it. A fantastic opportunity to further evidence the health and wellbeing impact of paddlesport while also understanding more about your own personal health and wellbeing over time and how this is affected by your paddling and physical exercise.

We would really appreciate your support and will be providing goodies over the course of the research to paddlers who are routinely providing us the data.

Let’s make the case for paddlesport together so we can more effectively advocate for more access and support for paddlesport into the future!

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