How National Lottery funding helped Pontardawe Paddlers stay active through the pandemic

Canoe Wales • Dec 15, 2020

Sgroliwch i lawr am Gymraeg - Scroll down for Welsh

With support from the #NationalLottery, Pontardawe Paddlers went above and beyond this year to keep the club going despite restrictions

It has been a tough time this year for paddlesport and Canoe Wales has never been prouder of its clubs, coaches and volunteers.

With the help of National Lottery funding, thousands of grassroots sports workers and volunteers from local clubs and organisations across the UK, have been be able to continue to help the nation remain active, happy and motivated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As part of the "National Lottery Dedicated To…" campaign, we are highlighting the work of Pontardawe Paddlers and Warren Huxford.

Restrictions may have lifted in Wales this summer, but the swimming pool where the paddlers ordinarily train remained closed.

It forced the club to think differently. With news of the Sport Wales Be Active Wales Fund – supported by the National Lottery and put in place to ensure grassroots clubs remain at the heart of communities – the club decided to apply. It received funding for a tow bar – a simple piece of kit but it meant the club could now transport equipment to outdoor locations.

It was a gamechanger. The club was back – just not quite as the members knew it before:

"Many of our members are teenagers and so many of them were really keen to remain paddling," explains Warren, who is a coach and Club Secretary. "It is fantastic to have such enthusiasm but it needed to be managed carefully. We needed to understand and work to restrictions and cleaning protocols. Some of the parents were unsure about their children paddling outdoors but most were reassured by our careful risk assessments."

While Warren organises many club sessions, groups of members informally organise paddling meet-ups – and, come rain or shine, Warren turns up to those to supervise too, ensuring safety measures are in place.

The club received more than £500 from the National Lottery Be Active Wales Fund:

“If we didn’t have this funding, we wouldn’t be able to move boats around. So only the people with their own equipment would be able to take part in activities. A lot of our members are teenagers and they certainly don’t all have their own gear so it really has been vital to ensuring these young people can continue in the sport.”

Thanks to National Lottery players, £30 million is raised every week for good causes, many of which are supporting the most vulnerable in our communities across the UK during the Coronavirus crisis.

Y Loteri Genedlaethol yn Dangos Ymrwymiad i... Rhwyfwyr Pontardawe

Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod anodd i'n camp ni ac mae Canŵio Cymru yn falchach nag erioed o'i glybiau, ei hyfforddwyr a'i wirfoddolwyr.

Gyda chymorth arian y Loteri Genedlaethol, mae miloedd o weithwyr chwaraeon ar lawr gwlad a gwirfoddolwyr mewn clybiau a sefydliadau lleol ledled y DU wedi gallu parhau i helpu'r genedl i ddal ati i fod yn actif, yn hapus ac yn llawn cymhelliant yn ystod pandemig Covid-19.

Fel rhan o ymgyrch Ymrwymiad i... y Loteri Genedlaethol, rydyn ni’n tynnu sylw at waith Rhwyfwyr Pontardawe a Warren Huxford.

Efallai bod y cyfyngiadau wedi codi yng Nghymru yr haf yma, ond mae'r pwll nofio lle mae'r Rhwyfwyr yn hyfforddi fel arfer ar gau.

Gorfododd hyn y clwb i feddwl yn wahanol. Gyda newyddion am Gronfa Cymru Actif Chwaraeon Cymru – sy’n cael ei chefnogi gan y Loteri Genedlaethol ac wedi’i rhoi ar waith i sicrhau bod clybiau ar lawr gwlad yn parhau i fod wrth galon cymunedau – penderfynodd y clwb wneud cais. Derbyniodd gyllid ar gyfer bar llusgo – darn syml o git ond roedd yn golygu bod posib i'r clwb gludo offer i leoliadau awyr agored bellach.

Fe newidiodd hynny bethau. Roedd y clwb yn ôl – ond nid yn union fel roedd yr aelodau'n ei adnabod o'r blaen:

"Mae llawer o'n haelodau ni yn eu harddegau ac roedd llawer ohonyn nhw’n awyddus iawn i barhau i rwyfo," esbonia Warren, sy'n hyfforddwr ac yn Ysgrifennydd y Clwb. 

"Mae'n wych gweld cymaint o frwdfrydedd ond roedd angen ei reoli'n ofalus. Roedd angen i ni ddeall a gweithio gan gadw at gyfyngiadau a phrotocolau glanhau. Roedd rhai o'r rhieni'n ansicr am eu plant yn rhwyfo yn yr awyr agored ond fe wnaeth ein hasesiadau risg ni dawelu meddyliau’r rhan fwyaf ohonyn nhw."

Er bod Warren yn trefnu llawer o sesiynau clwb, mae grwpiau o aelodau'n trefnu cyfarfodydd rhwyfo yn anffurfiol. Boed law neu hindda, mae Warren yn bresennol yn y rheiny hefyd i oruchwylio, gan sicrhau bod mesurau diogelwch ar waith.

Cafodd y clwb fwy na £500 o Gronfa Cymru Actif y Loteri Genedlaethol: "Oni bai am yr arian yma, ’fydden ni ddim yn gallu symud cychod o gwmpas. Felly dim ond y bobl gydag offer eu hunain fyddai'n gallu cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau. Mae llawer o'n haelodau ni yn eu harddegau a does ganddyn nhw ddim offer eu hunain, felly mae wir wedi bod yn hanfodol sicrhau bod y bobl ifanc yma’n gallu dal ati yn y gamp.”

Diolch i chwaraewyr y Loteri Genedlaethol, mae £30 miliwn yn cael ei godi bob wythnos ar gyfer achosion da. Mae llawer o’r arian yma’n cefnogi'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymunedau ni ledled y DU yn ystod argyfwng y Coronafeirws. 

Scroll up for English - Sgroliwch i fyny am Saesneg

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